Monday, November 7, 2022

It's Been a Long Long Time

It's been a long time since I've written in this blog since I've written here I have moved from Pleasant Grove to Salt Lake City utah. I live in a place called Park Lane Senior Living. I was getting too bored staying in Pleasant Grove with most of my family not living close by. I needed some socialization. So I moved to a place where I could have dinner with people and have some social life. Although I like it here there are some setbacks. Mostly it's the cost of living here and the cost of living has gone up so high that some of the perks have not been as good as before. I like living here because it's close to my daughter Tina . She's only two blocks away. Also I have a lot of places to walk around the big city and see lots of neat houses and sites. Now I am going to a wedding in Seattle for my granddaughter Zoe Moulton. I haven't seen my little great grandbaby Violet and she is 5 months old now. I plan to write more on this blog when I get more time and I get back from this wedding that I'm going to. I posted some pictures of violet and Zoe at Jennifer. I also went to Hawaii this last past winter and enjoyed my time there. So I'm posting some photos from that . I also went to Hawaii in 2020.

It's Been a Long Long Time

It's been a long time since I've written in this blog since I've written here I have moved from Pleasant Grove to Salt Lake City...