Sunday, December 26, 2010

December Birthdays

Wishing a Happy Birthday To:

Alex Riehle: December 26, 1989
Monica Riehle: December 28, 1964
Sid Moulton: December 29, 1993

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Photo Find!

I came across this picture the other day of my brothers Marty and Matt along with Kathy, John's wife. It is priceless. I wonder what they were talking about? Laughing about? Probably trucks. Pretty sure that was it.

I just love pictures.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Saying Goodbye to another Family Member

Nazario was such a fun person. His life was cut too short. I miss his jokes and his teasing.  I have not seen anyone in his family for a very long time.  It would have been his birthday on November 15. I can't belive he has been gone for almost 15 years.

Last week we lost his adopted daughter Callie Rae. She used to stay over night and she and Tammy would have a good time. I was sorry to hear that she died alone and had lost a loved one. I do not know the circumstances of her death, but my heart goes out to Patsy and Michael.  I do hope that she is with her dad now and is free from her pain. We never know how long we have on this earth, so we need to always be there for each other. I feel bad that I had not been in their lives for some time. I know the pain of an unexpected death. May their family find some comfort at this sad time.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

November Birthdays, Sorry Late

I have been really slow in posting lately.

Here are the November Birthdays

Kathy Carrillo:
November 9, 1967
Cherise Carrillo:
November 9, 1968
J.J. Riehle:
November 19, 1983

Happy Birthday and Have a Great Year.

I will try to update my blogs more often. Just have not been into it lately.
I love all my family and wishing you all Happy Holidays.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

1994 More Carrillo Chronicles

From Tammy

Well my friend Pauline and I won the "most Original" prize for Halloween Costumes. She was Cousin "It" and I was Morticia.  Michael and Jake even took more than allowed out of people's candy dishes while they weren't looking.

 Jake likes the new toy he found at "Pa's" house. Now he can
 ride a 4-wheeler just like his Dad does.

Matt is Crazy About Fixing Old Cars
In fact that's all he talks about. I hope that he can fix up Dad's old car. (And now 16 years later, he has!!!)

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Carrillo Chronicles

I don't know if anyone remembers, but from 1992-1995, the Carrillo's had a newsletter called :

I found them while I was cleaning out my photo albums and other items.  These chronicles have a goldmine of history in them.  Some of you may still have yours as I think Jennifer made copies for everyone. She, Tina and I were the ones who created them from information given to us from other family members.

Right now I will would like to enter just a few excerpts from them.  I hope to do this from time to time. If anyone cannot find theirs, feel free to come look through these.

From 1995
Jay vs the Bees

Jay just got back from California. He delivered some honey bees to Cohwchilla to pollinatee some almond trees. He had some hitch hiker bees that is--they are still hanging around his truck even though the bees are in California, He was only stung three times and no police or highway patrol men stopped him. I wonder why?

From 1994
Rob gets robbed
Robert got his bike seat and bike post stolen off his bicycle while it was parked at his work down town. When we first lived here he had a whole bike stolen. We have decided to get some insurance.

From 1995
Cherokee the Tease

Cherokee is a tease! She is finally growing out of the terrible twos. She likes to pretend she's the leading man from the Disney shows. John Smith is her favorite at the time. Cherokee likes braids in hair just like Pocahontas!

This is just a sample of what is in the chronicles. I hope to add a lot more soon.  enjoy!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I have been a little lax in profiling my family as I have planned to do. I would now like to profile John.  He was born August 10, 1967.

John is my oldest boy. He is a treasure. He is truly unique. Because he is different, he was picked on a lot at school. But he kept up his spirits and uplifted many others. When he was two years old, he wandered off and was gone for a while and scared us half to death. Another time I could not find him, he was asleep under a bunch of blankets on the floor.  He loves lights and tulips and electronic devices. When we took our Christmas tree down one year, he cried. He wanted the lights to shine all year. He used to change the lights on the tree over and over and we ended up having to nail the Christmas tree to the floor to keep it from tipping over because he was always rearranging things.

John is dependable. If he says he will do something, he will and will go the extra mile.  His memory is his outstanding asset. Especially dates. If you are trying to remember a date of something even as far back as 30 years ago, John is the one to ask. He may be a little OCD but because he is, you can bet that you will never have to worry about things when you are away from home and he is caring for the place.  He does not do well with stress though. It is best that he keep himself free from it as best as he can. John loves to eat and you don't have to worry if you can't eat all your food because John will take care of that.

John works in the grocery business and has for over 10 years. All the people he has worked for say he is the best worker they ever had. Even customers have sent letters of appreciation to him and his manager.

John has accomplished a lot in his life. An LDS mission, putting up with bullies, Jr College and his marriage to Kathy Jones. He is a wonderful son, a good and trustworthy boy and I love him very much.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October Birthdays

Tammy Bennett: October 11, 1972

Kelly Carrillo
October 17, 1976

Happy birthday: Hope you have a wonderful day and a wonderful year!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September Birthday Girl Oh, and Lorin Zippay

Lorin Zippay: September 29, 1989
Sorry I didn't remember until today

Zoe Moulton: September 25, 1995
Have a wonderful birthday Zoe!

Sorry, I forgot Lorin Zippay. He is my grandaugter Contessa's husband. I wish I could see him ofen like we used to. He is a great guy.

Grandpa and Grandma Johnson had birthdays in September. Grandpa Johnson would have been 90 and Grandma would have been 87. We do miss them greatly.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

August Birthdays

Dominic Sosa
August 2, 1994

John Carrillo
August 10, 1967

Marty Carrillo
August 7, 1970

Kipp Clark
August 20, 1958

Robert Moulton
August 27, 1965

Matthew Carrillo
August 30, 1980

Happy Birthday to all the August Boys!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July Birthdays

And also Baby Rocky Riehle born July 16th or 17th 2008
Parents J. J. and Samantha Riehle

Happy Birthday to:

Kinley Carrillo: July 1, 2010 age 5

Lacey Riehle: July 27, age 15

Have a very Happy Birthday all Year Long!

Friday, June 18, 2010

June Birthdays

I am so terrible.  I forgot MattieJo's birthday and I just attended her party!
MattieJo is such a cute little girl and so bright. She just graduated from Kindergarten this year.
She was born on June 9, 2004.  I am sorry she never got to see her Grandpa Carrillo because he died just exactly two months before she was born

Sorry I am so late in getting the June Birthdays out
We have been quite busy with traveling and other
Things going on. So here it is: Better Late that Never I guess

Marissa Sosa: June 7, 1989

Marissa bought a new condo this year. (Still waiting for an invite.) She works at a Pet hospital.
I can't believe that is 21 years old. I was visiting when she was born in California.

Chevy Carrillo: June 8, 1995
Chevy Recently got his Eagle Scout Award.  That is not an easy task. I am very proud of him. He has become quite the young man.

I hope I have not forgotten anyone. I am getting quite forgetful lately.

Love, Grandma

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Newest Member of the Carrillo Clan

She is here at last! Kennedy KC Zippay. Born May 25, 2010. 8 pounds 9 oz. She is my 4th great grandchild. Such a beautiful little girl.

Her parents are Lorin and Contessa Carrillo Zippay. She is their firstborn and I am sure they are way excited. It was a long labor but worth it.

She joins her Uncle's Matt's new little one, Kelby, who was born on May 3, 2010. Another great grandchild is going to come in August. I am really acquiring a very large extended family and I am very excited!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Newest member of our Famiy
Kelby Elisandro Carrillo. Born to Matt and Kelly Carrillo on May 3, 2010. He weighed 8 lbs 4 oz. He joins his sisters: MattieJo age 5, Kinley age 4, Jaden age 3. We are glad to have a little boy Carrillo to carry on the family name and I know Matt is very excited.

Congratulations Matt on your new Son: Kelby

May Birthdays

Kennedy Zippay: May 25, 2010

And I almost forgot Peter: May 27, 1988

Kelby Elisandro Carrillo May 3

Tina Carrillo: May 7

Cherokee Carrillo: May 21

Cash Carrillo: May 31

May Birthdays:

Kelby Carrillo: May 3, 2010
(brand new)
Tina Carrillo: May 7, 1963
Cherokee Carrillo: May 21, 1992

Kennedy Zippay: May 25, 2010
Peter Riehle: May 27, 1988
Cash Carrillo: May 31, 2006

New Baby Kennedy Zippaye will arrive sometime in May as well.

Congratulations to all our family who has a birthday in May. We are very excited for our new little Kelby and our Kennedy who will soon be here!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Profile: Monica

Monica is my second born. She came on a cold wintry night on December 28, 1964. I hardly made it to the hospital. As a child, I think she had a little bit of a problem being second. She said when playing house, she always had to be the daddy and when acting the Nativity scene of Christmas Eve, she always had to be Joseph or a shepherd.  Today, she is the mother and a such a good one too. Monica has always been a very loving child. She did not like to be left with babysitters or go in the nursery at church. She wanted to be with her family and close to them at all times.

Monica is very good mother and homemaker. She loves to cook, sew, scrap booking, genealogy and baking and to work in the garden and in the house. She loves her pets. She loves living in a small town and is content with her religion and her family.  She is a very thoughtful person and does not judge people who believe differently than she does. She lives her beliefs and is not uncomfortable letting others live as they choose. People always feel very welcome in her home. She always attends family functions even though she lives quite far away from many of them.

She has really blossomed through her life. A shy girl in her youth, she now is a leader in church and other functions, even teaching and many other capacities. She always seems cheerful. I have really never seen her be down or unhappy. (I am sure she is at times but most people would never know it.)  She has a husband and family who adore her. They are truly blessed to have her as I am having her as my daughter.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Our Family

BBQ in 2004

Last Family Photo 1997

Our family isn't perfect and it is true we have made many mistakes and we have hurt others. I know I have. But we need to learn forgiveness. Jesus taught us to forgive everyone. I am working on this teaching. I am not quite there yet but I am trying. Even those who don't believe in Him know that it is right to be forgiving and love one another. I just wish we could all put the past behind us and be a whole family once more without some family members feeling ostracized from others. We are all different, but we are all the same: We are all family coming from the same parents and we grew up together.

We have not had a family reunion in 5 years and the longer it goes without one, the less chance we will have one. We all make mistakes and I hope all of us (including myself) can let go and learn to forgive and be a family to one another in the true sense of the word. Of all the things I pray for, this is the one I hope for the most. I don't know if it will ever happen but it is my true wish it would happen before I die and leave this imperfect world.

It's Been a Long Long Time

It's been a long time since I've written in this blog since I've written here I have moved from Pleasant Grove to Salt Lake City...