Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mom and Dad's Letters

From time to time I am going to put up my dad's and my mom's letters that they wrote to each other during World War II. I don't have many from mother to my dad. Most are from my dad to her. However, I did find a really funny one that was written on December 24, 1942. They had only been married a couple of months and my mom was living in Inglewood CA working as a riveter at Douglas Airplanes. My dad was stationed in Texas at the time.

I could only laugh when I read this that she sent to my dad: A bra, a pair of pants and a nightgown were hanging on the line. They were quarreling. The bra said, "I cover what men like to play with."  The pants said, "That is nothing, I cover what men want most." The nightgown was disgusted and said, "I'm up all night because of you."

Here's another one: A woman went to the DR and he told her she was going to have a baby. She denied it. Finally she said, "What's the world coming to when you cannot even trust a wiener." HA HA

Those are the exact work she wrote. She was nineteen years old and had married only a little over a month. It's hard to believe they were ever that young and had the same feelings we had.

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