Monday, December 1, 2008

Memories of Childhood

Written From an Earlier Blog

Early Memories

Last night I was thinking of some of the earliest childhood memories I could think of. All of these memories took place when I was about two when we lived in an apartment in north Orem called Anderson's Basement. We had mirror in the hall. I remember my daddy lifting me up in front of the mirror. It was before church and he told me to look in the mirror and see the pretty little girl. I remember I had a wine-colored velvet jumper on.
Another early memory was some girls around 8 or 9 putting ants down my back so they would sting me. My mother came out took me in the house and I wished she would have told those girls off but she just took me away from them.
I remember also sitting at the kitchen table not wanting to eat my fried egg. My mother made me sit there most of the day but when she finally realized it was futile, she sat the egg on the floor for the cat. When I found out she was giving it to the cat, I got mad and ate it. It was awful. It was hard and cold.
I remember also that my mother had a beautiful rhinestone watch that my dad had got at an auction. It fell in the toilet and got flushed down. I remember my mom being so upset about that.
I must have a pretty good memory because I remember when I went to the toilet in those days, I can still remember calling to my mom to "come wipe my bum." I was toilet trained at age one according to my mother.
I remember being pushed in a wicker baby buggy to church and on the way I remember seeing a dead, yellow cat on the side of the road.
I remember a ceramic squrrel I used to take to church and wrap in a hanky and sing "Rock-a-Bye squirrel on the tree tops."
The people who owned Anderson's Basement had chickens. I tried to catch a rooster and he pecked me. I remember my dad putting iodine on it.
I remember playing with Barbara the Flashlight and with my buttons Sour Sour and Sally Ann.
These are my earlist memories.

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